Media Center
Media Center Vision: The media center is the heartbeat of the school where all are welcomed into a modern learning environment and 21st Century learners are grown and nurtured.
Media Center Mission: The mission on the media center is to empower learners to be effective users and producers of information who think critically and act ethically.
Hi! My name is Mrs. Lisiewski and I am the media specialist here at Willie.
After being a classroom teacher for 18 years, I decided the media center was where I wanted to be so I could help as many students as possible love reading and learning just like me! You can see, that in my picture, I am holding a book. This book, Matilda by Roald Dahl, has been my favorite book since my mom read it to me when I was in elementary school. For the last 18 years I have read it to every one of my classes and that was 2 or 3 classes per year! That means I have read this book 39 times! I hope that I can help you find a book that you wouldn't mind reading 39 times!
Please stop by and see me as often as you would like and tell me all about the books you are reading!
Selected students in fourth and fifth grade are media helpers who come in before the 9:15 bell to help in the morning. Media helpers are responsible for organizing media supplies, straightening books on the shelves, picking up books to be checked in, shelving books, and making deliveries each morning. Their help keeps the media center running smoothly and ready for the day.
In addition to our student helpers, parents are welcome and encouraged to volunteer in our Media Center. We need adult volunteers to help check-in books and check-out books at the Circulation Desk during media classes. Adult volunteers may also shelve books. Please call the Media Center if you are interested in becoming an adult volunteer. In order to volunteer, you MUST be volunteer-trained. Please see the CCPS website for a list of training sessions.
Media Classes and Checkout Procedures
Students in Pre-K visit the Media Center once a week for 20-30 minutes and check out one book each week. Kindergarten students visit the Media Center twice per week for 30 minutes each session. On their second media day of the week, they are able to check out a book. In grade 1st through 3rd, students visit the Media Center once per week for 30 minutes and check out 2 books weekly. Students in grades 4 - 5 visit the Media Center for 30 minutes each week, and check out 3 books every other week. This allows students more time to read more challenging books, and gives additional time in Media lessons to complete projects. In addition to checking out books, students are engaged in a variety of activities designed to strengthen their research and critical thinking skills.
We ask that all students return their Media materials the week they are due. Students may also renew a book as long as it is not on hold for another student. Sometimes Media materials become lost and/or damaged. When this happens, we request that monetary compensation be provided so that we can re-purchase materials that meet the specific needs of the Media Center. Unlike books that can be purchased in stores, books purchased for our media collection have a special library binding, which increases the durability of the book.
Online Databases
Learners in the 21st century have access to an unlimited amount of information. We teach our students that not all information is accurate. In their media lessons we stress important topics such as how to evaluate websites as well as using the databases that are supplied by our school/ school system. We encourage our WWE community to take time to investigate and utilize these subscription websites since they have been evaluated for accuracy and ease of use for young students. They can be accessed at home as well as at school. Please see the media specialist for usernames and passwords.
Biography for Beginners – Access over 9,000 biographies that can be used for research and enjoyment. |
Culture Grams - This is a specialized index that ranges in age level. Each U.S. state or country is featured with relevant information. Users select their age group to get appropriate information results. Sirs Discoverer - This in an index that will lead you to various magazine articles, photographs, websites, and other media on a given topic. Tumble Book Library- Tumble books includes animated talking picture books, chapter books, videos, non-fiction titles, playlists, books in languages other than English such as French and Spanish, graphic novels and math stories that are geared toward K-5 students. |
World Book Online - This is a basic encyclopedia with entries written in multiple grade level formats. |
Thank you for taking time to visit our webpage and explore our resources!