Parent Resources
Reporting Your Child’s Absences
You can report your child’s absence by sending an email by 9:30 AM using the following address:
Please use the email to report any absences, late arrivals, early dismissals or changes in dismissal. Changes in dismissal should be sent, in writing, prior to 1:30 PM in order for office staff to notify teachers and students.
Teachers will provide any missed work to students upon their return to school.
Families are required to notify the principal for approval of any extended, planned student absences from school. Teachers may provide some information and materials as make-up for your child upon return to the classroom and a timeline for completion. Teachers are not required to provide work in advance of the absence nor assignments to be completed during the absence. Please consider these conditions carefully as you may plan any extended absences.
Attendance Information
Attendance is recorded as follows:
Any student who is not in homeroom by 9:15 AM will be marked tardy (late arrival). Students departing school prior to 3:45 PM will be marked tardy (early dismissal).
For a full day of school (9:15 AM - 3:45 PM)
If a student attends less than 2 hours per day, he/she will be marked absent for the entire day
If a student attends 3.5 or more hours, but less than 4 hours, he/she will be marked absent for ½ of day
If a student attends school for 4 hours or more, he/she will be marked present for the entire day
For a modified school day (1:00 PM dismissal):
If a student attends less than 2 hours, he/she will be marked absent for entire day
If a student attends 2 hours or more, he/she will be marked present all day
Maryland State Department of Education has established a standard of 94% for regular daily attendance.
Health room info
Notes from our Nurse
Hello, my name is Erin Fringeli. You can call me Nurse Erin. I am the school nurse at William Winchester Elementary School. I have been a nurse for 16 years, and all of those years have been spent caring for children. I worked for 9 years in Pediatric Intensive Care, and 7 years as a school nurse. My goal is to keep your children healthy and in school. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can call me at the school’s main phone number, or you can email me at
The answers to some frequently asked questions...
When should I encourage my child to go to the nurse?
Tell your child to keep in mind “the 7 B’s”. They stand for: bleeding, breathing bad, broken bone, barfing, burning up, bee sting, and big bump. If your child is still unsure, they should ask their teacher, who will tell them if they need to go to the nurse or not.
When will I get a phone call home about my child?
I see many students during the day, so it is not feasible for me to call or send notes home with every student. I call home if your child has a fever, is vomiting, has a serious injury, or needs a dose of emergency medication. If we need to call 911 for your child, you will also get a phone call. Sometimes if a child is visiting me many times in a short period of time, I will call you to discuss the visits.
Can my child take medication at school?
If your child requires medication during school hours (scheduled medication or emergency medication), you (a parent or guardian) must bring the medication to me in the original, labeled container. I will also need a medication order form, signed by the prescribing physician, NP, or PA. I will keep all medications locked up in my office, and your child will come to me to take their medication. Students may not carry medication to and from school. The only exceptions to this are students who carry their own inhalers and epi pens. If you want your child to be able to do this, you must provide a back-up dose to be kept in my office, as well as a signed medication order, and a signed self-carry agreement between myself, the parent, and the student.
When will my child be sent home?
You will be called to pick up your child if they have a fever of 100 degrees F or higher. They may not return to school until they have been fever free for 24 hours, without the use of any fever-reducing medications. Please keep in mind that fevers tend to rise in the afternoon/evenings, so even if they are fever-free in the morning, their temperature may rise throughout the day.
You will also be called to pick up your child if they are throwing up, or if they have a serious injury that needs to be evaluated by a doctor. You may also get a phone call if your child continuously complains of illness without fever or vomiting, so that we can make a decision together if you will pick up your child.
Home Access Center
The Home Access Center is Carroll County Public Schools’ portal for parents. It allows parents/guardians to login and view information pertaining to their child. The Home Access Center is provided for the express use of the parents of Carroll County Public School District students to assist in the communication of important educational information. The goal of the Home Access Center is to assist you in effectively communicating with the teachers,
staff, and administration about your student. Click on the Quick Links section on the top right corner of this page and click on Home Access Center.